Jean Cocteau, Orphée, 1925
Face cachée 
de Lavnosrad
Inhabited mirrors...

Portraits hidden behind the reflective surface

The Mystery of inhabited mirrors from the Face Cachée collection by LAVNOSRAD

LAVNOSRAD is the fascinating universe of an artist who shows us beyond appearances. Through ancient mirrors, he reveals a dark and mysterious side. These mirrors, much more than simple reflections, reveal portraits on a human scale, like apparitions: monsters, ghosts, mythological beings…

Since 2022, LAVNOSRAD has been creating exceptional mirrors. Each work is unique, combining antique frames with hidden portraits. An artistic experience never seen before.

The Magical Effect on the Spectator

The rendering of these mirrors is both ghostly and difficult to capture on a website. For what ? Because the portrait only appears if you are in a certain position in front of the mirror, bathed in the right light.

Take your gaze beyond the reflection

Imagine yourself in front of one of these mirrors. First, you see your own reflection. Nothing unusual, is there? But suddenly, in a flash of light or a subtle change of perspective, another image emerges. A human-sized face, as if from another world, as if the mirror were the gateway to an unexplored realm. This effect transforms the experience into something mystical and surprising.

The mirror, the work


Edouard DARSONVAL, Self-taught artist

Beneath the intriguing pseudonym of LAVNOSRAD lies a fascinating artistic transformation, born from the creative mind of Edouard Darsonval. But who really is the artist behind the mirror?

Edouard Darsonval, renowned antique dealer and furniture restorer for many years, has always had a hidden side that he has sought to express. He has chosen to reinvent himself under the name LAVNOSRAD, which is simply an inverted anagram of his surname.

Discover the man behind the artist, his intriguing metamorphosis, and his unique artistic journey.

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The reflection, the artist

A mirror in your home?

Discover the works available for sale

The mirrors can be viewed by appointment in the artist’s studio in Uzès, or at temporary exhibitions…
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